Lakewood Alerts regrets to announce the petirah of R’ Moshe Dovid Ben Avrohom Kress z”l, a ger tzedek who known for his dedication to Torah and mitzvos and resided in Lakewood.
The levaya will take place today at 2:00 p.m. at the Lakewood Chapel on 7th Street. All are encouraged to attend and give kavod acharon to this extraordinary individual who chose to join klal Yisroel and lived a life of avodas Hashem.
Reb Moshe Dovid’s commitment to his faith and mesirus nefesh for Torah serve as an inspiration to all who knew him. May his neshamah have an aliyah, and may his family and those who supported him have a nechama.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
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