AVI SCHNALL WINS! Lakewood Voters Hoist Agudah NJ Director To Historic Victory In Assembly Race

The Lakewood kehilla on Tuesday turned out en masse to heed the call of the gedolim and vote for Avi Schnall, and their efforts have paid off. Avi Schnall was declared victorious in his bid to unseat incumbent Ned Thomson to represent the 30th Legislative District in the New Jersey State Assembly.

The path to victory wasn’t easy. He entered the race late, and only at the behest of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah. From there, it took a tremendous, pedal-to-the-metal communal effort to turn out tens of thousands of votes in support of him.

The Schnall campaign ran on two primary themes: heeding the call of the gedolim, and uniting behind his efforts to garner more state funding for Lakewood, which has long been a backbencher when it comes to funding for critical needs, such as busing, infrastructure, education, and special education.

When all was said and done, Schnall emerged victorious, despite the uphill battle of winning as a Democrat in the deeply Republican 30th District.

As a fascinating aside, Lakewood was the most Republican town in New Jersey in the 2020 election, voting more heavily in favor of then-incumbent President Donald Trump than any other municipality. Just three years later, it has elected a Democrat to represent its district on the New Jersey state level.

In other words, despite the best efforts of many who would have been followers of Korach, the overwhelming majority of Lakewood follows its gedolim and votes for its interests – not an elephant or a donkey.

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  1. I dont think it is helpful to use language “that they would have been the followers of korach” are helpful. And it is certainly very devisive. People have opinions about who to vote for and they are supposed to have those opinions. You need to convince them on the merit of the candidate not on making them feel like reshuim.

    • Well, those who start with “the Roshei Yeshiva didn’t really write that”, then when that’s disproven, continue to “Reb Elya Ber was choizer”, then when that goes move on to “All the gedolim were misled and don’t understand the issues” sound an awful lot like they don’t care for daas Torah! One who fights against Daas Torah is oiver on loi siyeh kkorach vaadasoi

  2. Please don’t forget that NJ is still a very Democratic and progressive state. To expect NJ State and the NJEA will allow tuition relief for 42,000 Orthodox kids and counting is almost unlikely just as the push to get a state level RLUIPA law also. The other towns in the 30th district are not keen on Schnall either. But can he get most of what the Orthodox wants? We all know that answer.

  3. Agree with you 100% @Outsider and shame on you Lakewood Alerts. I for one am so disgusted with the putrid Democrat party, that I followed the advice of a true gadol, R’ Avigdor Miller, zt”l, who years ago warned Yidden not to associate with or support the evil Dems. And it’s obvious to one and all that two decades later the Democrat party is even more degraded than in R’ Miller’s day. But according to ein od milvado, it is clear that the Aibishter made an exception this time and gave the win to Avi Schnall. Here’s hoping that his alliance with the Dems can accomplish something positive for the klal.

  4. Oh wow!!! So happy he won, I didn’t know he was running for assembly man, I would’ve voted for him, not sure why it wasn’t advertised….


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