Avi Schnall Sponsors His First Bill – “The Voter Convenience Act”

Assemblyman Avi Schnall has taken a monumental step towards revolutionizing the voting process in New Jersey with the introduction of his first bill, “The Voter Convenience Act”. This groundbreaking legislation aims to enhance voter accessibility and convenience by allowing New Jerseyans to cast their ballots at any polling place within their municipality on election day.

The Voter Convenience Act proposes a significant shift from the current system, where voters are assigned specific polling places based on their election districts. Under the bill, the Secretary of State, in conjunction with county clerks and boards of elections, will develop guidelines to enable voters to vote at any polling location in their municipality. This initiative is designed to streamline the voting process, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Assemblyman Schnall says he was motivated to sponsor this bill after witnessing the challenges faced by voters in his district during recent elections, where many were left waiting in long lines for hours.

“This bill is about empowering voters and removing unnecessary barriers to voting. By making it easier for people to vote, we’re not only improving the election day experience but also strengthening the very foundation of our democracy,” said Schnall.

The proposed legislation will allow district boards of elections at each polling place to use electronic poll books for checking in voters, thereby facilitating their ability to vote on the correct ballot for their election district.

Furthermore, it opens the possibility for establishing countywide polling places, enhancing the flexibility and convenience for voters.

The Voter Convenience Act also includes amendments to current laws to enable county boards of elections to determine the necessary number of district board members at polling places where the bill is implemented. Additionally, it mandates the inclusion of polling place locations under the bill on the sample ballots for primary and general elections.

“This is a transformative step forward for New Jersey’s electoral process,” Assemblyman Schnall added. “By adopting ‘The Voter Convenience Act’, we will be ensuring that every voter has a smoother, more accessible voting experience. It’s about making sure that every voice is heard and that every vote counts without undue hassle.”

An identical bill has been introduced in the Senate by primary sponsors Senator James Beach (D-6) and Senator Nellie Pou (D-35), along with co-sponsor Senator Vincent Polistina (R-2).


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