Agudah To Amazon: Stop Selling Hate!

Today, KnowUs, an initiative of Agudath Israel of America, sent a letter to Mr. Jeffery Bezos and the leadership of Amazon, demanding that the company cease selling products that incite hatred and violence against Israel.

The 7-page letter cataloged numerous products carried by Amazon which support the “freedom” of Palestine “from the river to the sea” or encourage violence against Jews or Zionists. By examining the history of the slogan, a not-so-subtle call for the utter elimination of Israel, and Amazon’s own policies, it becomes clear that these products violate several Amazon seller policies.

To add insult to injury, and in violation of additional Amazon policies, many of the antisemitic products first became available for sale on Amazon immediately after Hamas livestreamed its torture and mutilation of women, children, the elderly, and other civilians, killing 1,400, including 31 Americans.

“I do not believe that Amazon intentionally wished to feature, amongst its millions of offerings, merchandise that is so offensive, incites violence, or that clearly violates its policies,” said Mr. Avrohom Weinstock, Agudah’s Chief of Staff and KnowUs Director, who penned the letter. “The Agudah is working on multiple legal, legislative, and advocacy fronts to assist and defend Israel in this pivotal moment. But amongst its efforts must be the firm statement that while there will always be evil in this world, terrorism and Jew-hatred can never become socially acceptable. Not on college campuses. Not on the streets. And not by the largest online retailer in the world.”

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