Agudath Israel has released a statement encouraging people to attend a pro-Israel rally in Washington this coming Tuesday:
Two Jewish organizations – the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations – are organizing a mass rally in Washington, D.C. next Tuesday November 14 to show solidarity with Israel and to urge the US government to stand firm in its support.
In light of the ongoing life-threatening danger confronting Israeli soldiers and all of our dear brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel, and with great concern about the extremely volatile political climate here in the United States, we feel it is important, midarchei ha’shtadlonus, that there be a large turnout at this event. Accordingly, and in consultation with our rabbinic leadership, we are circulating to our friends and constituents information about the rally. More information will be available here in the coming days.
In the merit of our Torah and tefillah, and carrying out our shtadlanus obligations, may HKB’H hear our cries and protect us from all dangers — Hashem hoshia ha’Melech ya’aneinu b’yom koreinu!
Are there busses being arranged from lakewood?
Hgaon Reb Yitzchok Sorotskin shlita (see video below) is strongly opposed to the rally and believes it to be dangerous as well as wrong