In these final days of the 117th Congress, intense negotiations are currently taking place between Democratic and Republican leadership on next year’s spending levels on federal programs.
It is vitally important that our community weigh in at this pivotal time!
While many programs effect the Orthodox Jewish community, we will highlight three items that are essential to the well-being – both physical and material – of our families and institutions.
Nonprofit Security Grants – Boost the Funding!
Agudath Israel has been among those in the forefront of the creation and continuation of the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which provides security enhancements to shuls, schools and other community nonprofits to help protect against terror and violence. We are all aware of the dramatic uptick in antisemitic attacks and rhetoric coming from many different corners of society, which has gained both national and community focus. The current funding in the program is simply not enough to meet the need. We must urge Congress to boost the appropriation to $360 million.
Child Tax Credit – Strengthen the Benefit!
Another federal Agudath Israel priority over the past decades has been the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Our parents struggle mightily to provide for the range of their family’s needs, and the CTC has been hailed as a proven mechanism to reduce this heavy economic stress. In 2017, the CTC was increased from $1,000 to $2,000. During COVID 19, Congress greatly expanded CTC for one year to $3,600 (up to age 6)/$3,000 (ages 6-17). But now, the 2021 CTC has expired and the 2017 improvements will expire in 2025. The result will be a return to the pre-2017 levels of $1,000 per child! We must call on Congress to extend and strengthen his important benefit.
Universal Charitable Deduction – Help the Work of Nonprofits!
We know, as a practical matter, that the charitable deduction increases charitable giving, and Agudath Israel has for years supported the strengthening of this tax benefit. It is especially important now to provide encouragement and incentives to increase donations to our mosdos and other nonprofits, as they are increasingly being called upon to step up and provide more to our community, with less. Congress can help by passing the Universal Giving Pandemic Response and Recovery Act (S.618/H.R.1704), which is a step toward expanding the “universal charitable deduction,” encouraging all Americans, regardless of income, to give to charity.
We urge you to contact your Senators and Representatives today to urge them to take these steps – so important to our community and to our nation.
Click here to take action.
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